California Donuts

Since my move to LA to be with my boo, I’ve heard from various sources that California Donuts is a must-do. Last week I had an intense sweet craving and, knowing that nothing but a donut would satisfy, we made our way over to its 3rd Street location for a treat.

Lemme tell you something first: being originally from New York and having lived in Atlanta, I know donuts. Everything from the classic chocolate glazed Dunkin Donuts that NYers love, to the famous light and fluffy Krispy Kreme champion of the south, to the trendy Revolution Doughnuts and Sublime Donuts famous in ATL–I know donuts.

But this–

Source: your dreams
Source: your dreams

–this is something else entirely. This is a feast of the senses: see, hear, smell, feel, and taste. Not to mention the psychic connection you feel as you walk toward that glass window to place your order.

Continue reading California Donuts

Avocado & Sriracha Deviled Eggs



photo 3 (8)

One of Melo’s friends is getting married next month and she was invited to a bridal shower this past weekend. It was one of those garden party pot-luck style showers (love those!) and she was asked to bring deviled eggs. Well it’s finals season for her, which means she’s sick. Which also means I had to make the deviled eggs; which I don’t mind.

Continue reading Avocado & Sriracha Deviled Eggs

Rethinking Your Bucket List

A few weeks ago, we attended the Travel + Adventure Show in Long Beach, California. We had the opportunity to sit in on a talk by CBS Travel Detective, Peter Greenberg.

I won’t go into the specifics of his presentation–a lot of it was aimed at middle- to upper-class, white, hetero people/couples. And as we are a queer, low-income, non-white couple, a lot of it didn’t really apply to us; or at least, we couldn’t really relate to it. But he did have a few pointers that we could relate to and implement into our travel adventures.

One of the things he said was to throw out your bucket list. Why? Because all the places on your bucket list, are most likely on everyone else’s bucket list as well. Continue reading Rethinking Your Bucket List


You guys.

OMG, you guys.

I had the most delicious experience this weekend. We had an appointment in Long Beach Saturday afternoon, so we decided to have lunch there afterwards. One of our favorite spots for a sweet treat is in Long Beach (Sweet Jill’s), and so I thought maybe we’d stop by there after lunch and on the way home. But then, BUT THEN…

I remembered that Afters Ice Cream the place famous for their milky buns, had a location in the LBC. Hmm…monster cinnamon rolls or ice cream? Decisions, decisions right? I went with the ice cream, of course, and boy was it a treat.

My milky bun
My milky bun

Continue reading Afters

STEM Sistahs in the Snow: Lake Tahoe

Lake Tahoe! From left: Stephanie, Ashley (Bday girl), Teionna, Jackie, & Jainee

For today’s #travelthrowbackthursday, we are featuring my main crew at San Francisco State #gogators. These intelligent, beautiful, and fun Black women recently went to Lake Tahoe and frolicked in the snow high up in the Sierra Nevada mountains bordering California and Nevada. They actually came with a big group and rented a big cabin to celebrate Ashley’s dirty 30 birthday! To top it all off, Ashley’s aunt came and cooked for this big cabin all weekend long!

Ashley is a genetic counselor in the SF/Bay Area. She went with her husband, Randy, a math educator who somehow found the time to organize this fun-filled weekend! And of course, friends and relatives filled up the whole cabin. I met Ashley and the rest of the crew while we were in a STEM pipeline program in college. Her cousin Stephanie and best friend Teionna are now both public health microbiologists in the Bay Area. Our other homegirl, Jainee, is currently a Ph.D student in Microbiology at University of California, Davis (it’s near Sacramento, the capital of California). They are all living it up in the professional world, yet they find the time to enjoy life’s precious moments!

In the photo above, you see the fantastic four with another one of Ashley’s best friends, Jackie! In the photo below, you find more of Ashley’s family and friends, including the handsome Stefon! Catch some snow up in the Sierra’s before it’s all gone!

If you have a travel adventure you’d like to share with us, email us at: plateandpassport(at)gmail(dot)com.

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