Simple Beef + Broccoli


There are a lot of recipes out there that are fussy and complicated.


This is not one of them. This is a very simple approach to beef and broccoli stir fry.



Is it delicious? Yes.

Is it authentic? Probably not. And that’s okay.

Why? Because life is already fussy and complicated enough. Your food shouldn’t be.

Continue reading Simple Beef + Broccoli

Avocado & Sriracha Deviled Eggs



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One of Melo’s friends is getting married next month and she was invited to a bridal shower this past weekend. It was one of those garden party pot-luck style showers (love those!) and she was asked to bring deviled eggs. Well it’s finals season for her, which means she’s sick. Which also means I had to make the deviled eggs; which I don’t mind.

Continue reading Avocado & Sriracha Deviled Eggs

Foodie Must-Have Kitchen Accessories

As foodies, we’re always on the lookout for awesome kitchen and bar accessories. Check out this list of five items sure to spark your foodie lust today.


Cloth Napkins
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I absolutely adore these notebook paper cloth napkins at Continue reading Foodie Must-Have Kitchen Accessories

Creamy Tortellini Soup

One of our goals for this year is to do more Meatless Monday’s. Not only is it better for the environment, but better for your health, too. Every weekend we sit down to discuss what our week is going to look like so we can get our calendars in sync. We use that time to also decide on our meals for the week so we can be intentional about our eating habits.

One of the recipes that we like to keep on hand is for this creamy tortellini soup. Continue reading Creamy Tortellini Soup

Meatless Monday: Eggplant Parmesan 

Who loves pasta?

We do! We do!

We don’t eat it much, but every once in a while (or when the budget says so), we eat pasta. We’ve traded off white pasta for whole wheat to get rid of a lot of the carbs and sugar white pasta has. The texture is a bit different, but it is hardly noticeable with a hearty sauce to accompany it. Last week I was craving eggplant parmesan, so when we took our weekly trip to the grocery store, we picked up the necessary ingredients. Continue reading Meatless Monday: Eggplant Parmesan