We went on vacation and all we got were these lousy sunburns

Hello? Is anybody out there?

We’ve been a bit quiet since our return to the States from Costa Rica almost two weeks ago. If you’ve been following us, you probably already know that during the first couple days of our trip Melo was getting over a cold and I had one coming on. Luckily, after just 2 days, I was feeling a lot better so we were able to take advantage of being so close to one of those black-sand beaches Costa Rica is famous for.


Continue reading We went on vacation and all we got were these lousy sunburns

Playa del Coco

After being cooped up in the apartment, I was finally feeling up to going out and exploring Guanacaste a little bit. On Monday, Melo and I packed a bag with water and snacks and headed to the beach!

Outside the apartment
Outside the apartment
We were a little too hype, though, because we forgot to pack towels, a blanket, and put on sunscreen. That’s okay, though, because I couldn’t think of a better way to spend the International Day of Happiness than soaking in the sun and swimming in the warm waters of Playa del Coco!

Continue reading Playa del Coco

Bucket List

A few weeks ago, Melo and I sat down and wrote our travel bucket list. As it turns out, we had to create two separate lists: an international travel bucket list and a domestic travel bucket list. There are just so many places to see and be, ya know? But to spare your boredom, we’ve narrowed it down to a reasonable number for the sake of this post. Continue reading Bucket List